If you have had an ear infection, ear pain from loud noise exposure, or intermittent tinnitus, among a myriad other hearing issues, you might be wondering how you can better care for your hearing health. For everyday life, we’ve compiled… Read More
Reasons to Get a Hearing Test
Have you thought about getting a hearing test recently? If you are reading this post, the answer is likely yes. It may be hard to take the first step if you have never been to an audiologist, if you don’t… Read More
How to Hear Better in Crowded Rooms
No matter what age you are, it is possible to develop difficulty hearing in crowded rooms or noisy environments in general. Everyone else seems to be able to hear each other in a noisy auditorium, lobby, or home, but you… Read More
Can Mood Affect Hearing Health?
As human beings, we are far more than just our physical bodies. Although many believe that we and our emotions are merely the results of atoms and neurons working together, there is a lot more going on inside of each… Read More
Signs of Impacted Ear Wax
Impacted ear wax is a condition that might not be too common, but it is common enough that it deserves mention. Besides, anyone with impacted ear wax needs suitable treatment to prevent further complications. If you think you might have… Read More
Does Junk Food Make Hearing Worse?
We all know that junk food is bad for your health, but when we have grown up with it or love the taste, it is very hard to part with it. It may even make up a significant part of… Read More
Is Wearing Earplugs to Concerts Good?
The concern about noise-induced hearing loss is real. Most cases of permanent hearing loss under a certain age are due to exposure to loud noises, resulting in a higher risk of dementia and an impaired ability to hear and communicate… Read More
Simple Ways to Reverse Hearing Loss
Hearing loss can be a traumatic experience because different people react differently to it. For many, it can lead to psychological, social, and physical problems. If you are losing or have lost your hearing, it’s understandable to question whether you… Read More
5 Common Inner Ear Problems
Your inner ear has two vital jobs: helping you hear and keeping you balanced. However, inner ear problems can make you feel quite off-balanced, as ear issues can be pretty painful and frustrating. The good news is that each inner… Read More
Why Does Tinnitus Get Worse at Night?
Tinnitus can sound different to different people, but one thing is in common: all kinds of tinnitus are unnerving. Some people have constant tinnitus, and others have it intermittently. Where does it come from? No one is entirely sure, although… Read More